[This is my hometown]
ボストン美術館(Museum of Fine Art Boston)で見たものに関して、一人間として、伝えなければならないという責任を感じ、今回綴らせて頂きます。
About the thing which I watched at Museum of Fine Arts Boston, I feel responsibility to have to tell as one experienced person, so I will spell it this time.
The thing which I watched was the picture that my hometown "YURIAGE" had been destroyed by The Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011.
The pure picture without the mediation was flowing because of the foreign ground.
その映像を目にした時思わず、“This is my hometown ”と言葉を発してしまいました。
When I saw the picture, I said in spite of myself “ This is my hometown. ”
Museum of Fine Arts owns the artworks of every highest point, for example, ancient artworks of Egypt, Greece and Rome, and modern and contemporary artworks of Western and Eastern and so on. So MFA is said to be American three major art museums.
In such the place, I saw the picture of my hometown which I had not been able to face since the disaster, so I felt my powerlessness really.
Since the disaster, YURIAGE has lost light.
About this fragile fact, I feel a portion of the blame acutely.
This picture is the rare and precious thing that we can see the tragedy ourselves.
There is no awareness superior to self-experience and self-observation.
I repeat self-study and I come across every knowledge and various theories.However, if a thing which disprove those exists as reality and if some people observe it, it is truth there.
As one human being, I will do my best at all time.
To lose a person tasting sorrow and taking pains.
I will make better environment and world for every life.
Let’s both do our best !
We can do it !
*I got permission to publish at MFA’s office.